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Nov 30 2023

HYDEF Kick-off Meeting and Core Stakeholder Workshop takes place in Madrid

Madrid, 29-30 November 2023, the Hypersonic Defence Programme (HYDEF) Kick-off Meeting (KoM) and Core Stakeholders Workshop (CSW) hosted by SMS - SISTEMAS DE MISILES DE ESPAÑA, SL, took place in the premises of the “Escuela Politécnica Superior del Ejército - ESPOL”. The two-day meetings have seen the participation of the representatives from the HYDEF Participating States Belgium, Germany, Norway, Poland and Spain and of 14 industrial partners from seven Nations (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Norway, Poland and Sweden).

The KoM marked the beginning of an ambitious Programme that aims at the investigation and concept definition for a European interceptor of hypersonic missiles encompassing new technologies such as new aerodynamic and actuator systems, highly agile guidance concepts and sensor systems able to operate in different flight levels. OCCAR-EA has been entrusted to manage the Programme and contract industry to realise the objectives of both the Programme Participating States and the European Commission, fostering cooperation while preparing the delivery of future capabilities.

The CSW focused in interactive sessions to foster communication and understanding of the Participating States requirements to develop an interceptor as part of an Integrated Air and Missile Defence system architecture. The workshop set the ground for institutional-industrial collaboration in achieving the Programme's ambitious goals.

The KoM and the CSW concluded with a unified commitment to success and a shared vision.

If you want to learn more about the HYDEF Programme please see here:

OCCAR - HYDEF - HYpersonic DEFence Interceptor Programme

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

Story by OCCAR


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