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Aug 30 2022

German Chancellor refers to OCCAR in a speech

On 29 Aug 2022, German Chancellor Scholz mentioned OCCAR in his speech at the Charles University in Prague. The Chancellor stated:

“To improve the collaboration of our armed forces in very practical terms, we already have a number of tools to hand. Alongside the European Defence Agency and the Defence Fund, I’m thinking chiefly of cooperation like that already being practised in OCCAR, the Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation. In the same way that we started the open borders of the Schengen area with seven countries back in the day, OCCAR can become the nucleus of a Europe of joint defence and armament”.


Following the Ministerial Joint Declaration signed at the OCCAR 20 year anniversary event on 05 July 2022, this is another sign of the important role Germany wants to give OCCAR as joint armaments programme management organisation in Europe.

Herewith you can find a link to the entire speech: Europe is our future – Speech by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Prague – INSIGHT EU MONITORING (

If you want to learn more about OCCAR and its programmes, please visit our website.

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